Supporter Stories

Our Supporters are the heartbeat of CNB – get inspired by their stories and the rewarding ways you too can be involved in providing Community support.

Tess's Story

When I first wanted to be a volunteer, I thought it was for the usual reasons: time to give something back, my time to contribute…something we hear all the time.

I had become a bit jaded and believed it was impossible to change situations no matter how hard I protested or wrote letters or ranted.. Bit fruitless even trying because the big guys always win.

Volunteering has changed me, it has enriched my life, it’s educated me.

As volunteers we are thanked for helping yet in reality I have got so much more out of my being at CNB than I have given.

I am surrounded by gentle individuals who deeply care about any person who passes through our doors. They are professional and unselfish and teach me to be part of a group who can make a difference. I love to see them huddled in a group sharing ideas and talking quietly as how to best help someone.

Billy's Story

I wanted to help those doing it tough in our community – CNB’s material aid program gave me a way I could do that.

I’ve walked past people in the street for years that I know are doing it tough, but didn’t know how I could help.

When I found out about CNB I got in touch and asked if I they needed food or clothing, to which the answer was a resounding ‘yes’!  

So now when I’m at the supermarket I get a few extras and drop them off to CNB.

I feel so much better knowing that I’ve helped in some way, and that CNB are able to care and connect with people in need.

Andy's Story

I know there’s people isolated and in need of some real human connection – I wanted to get behind CNB who I know can reach out to our most vulnerable.

There’s people out the front of our supermarket all the time, and I keep thinking “what difference would it make if I donate today, how will that help them tomorrow”.  Or that if I gave money, would be spent on the right things? And then my thoughts go to that I’d gladly give to an organisation that knows what they’re doing and can provide more professional and sustainable support.

When I found about CNB I was relieved!

I know that there’s some people doing it tough out there, but I work full time and don’t know how I could help.

When I found out about CNB, suddenly I became aware that I could help by donating financially.